As Autumn season beginning to vanish in the air and the first snow of this Winter sets in we now countdown 20 days before Christmas. Like a child, it gives us joy deep inside as Christmas fast approaches. This morning I reflect upon how I celebrated my Christmas in the past, wherein gift giving is one of them. Like many, I often times get overshadowed in my excitement in receiving or giving lots and lots gifts that I lost focus on the true meaning of Christmas.

In my years of experience in Software Engineering, I have appreciated the phrase “Quality over Quantity”, whether it’s done through design/code review or testing. It’s a developer’s pride to be able to create something that high-quality. Also, I have strive hard to be able to apply this concept in my life (which is very much applicable). And in our current faced paced world, we often try to produce as many as we can in a shorter amount of time because being slow nowadays is not cool – that’s why we often multitask, but often we had sacrificed the quality of our output. In terms of work-related task meeting the project goals and deadlines, how we commute, talk to our loved ones, and to the relationship we have with our dear ones.

So as I’m counting down to days of Christmas, I will not worry myself no longer on buying lots and lots of gifts, but instead, invest my time in spending it with a meaningful conversation with the people that really matter to my life and bring back the true meaning of Christmas.
