Modern noise has made us unproductive and holding us back to reach our full potential. For most of us, it is an everyday challenge to keep our focus on what really matters. Noise like the social media, trending news that’s not relevant to us, gadgets, and people around us. Most of the time these minor stuff has become “important” in our everyday routine that we lose focus on our priorities in life.

Imagine the amount of time you spent on social media each day it’s maybe double the time you spent taking care of your well-being. We consume all these information without really processing it properly that it loads up our brain with lots and lots of unnecessary information. Like knowing the “Top 10 Best Dressed at the Red Carpet”, it’s not like we have a gala to attend this year. Unless you’re in the fashion industry well it’s part of your job. We are so hungry for new information that we browse the internet for new things that we forgot to ask ourselves it this information is really necessary?

It’s just like having a 1 Terabyte hard drive with 500GB of photos in it that you never bother to check for years that you forgot all those photos even existed there. You keep telling yourself I will sort it out later. Imagine the amount of resource wasted that can be used for more valuable data.

All these small things taking up our time, energy and brain cells is keeping us from being productive or doing something good for yourself or to your community. Let’s challenge each one to minimize the modern noise in us and do something productive today that will contribute to our goals in life.